Speaker: Michael Zucker, FACHECEO & Co-Founder
“Healthcare Consumerism…Part II"
When:Wednesday, February 6, 201911:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Where:Frost Bank Building401 Congress Avenue, Suite 1160, Austin, Texas 78701
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Special Thanks to our Lunch Sponsor: CRI
CRI’s CPAs and advisors have years of experience in guiding providers through the constantly changing healthcare landscape. Along with tax compliance engagements, we offer healthcare organizations a variety of value-added services, including Revenue Cycle Management, Reimbursement Analysis, Operational Analysis and Review, Physician Recruitment and Retention, Medical Practice Strategic Planning, and Valuation Services. Our healthcare professionals are also adept at completing Uniform Guidance Single Audits and compliance audits, as well as Medicare, Medicaid, and third-party insurer cost reports. We serve healthcare providers of nearly all types, including hospitals, physician practices, long-term care facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, rural health clinics, dental practices, and many others. CRI can help you be a more effective healthcare leader for more information please call 512.346.1880 or visit www.CRICPA.com.
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